Relationship with Time

...finally…time to be in my garden…learn new recipes…take an online class. I have more time to keep in touch with friends and family. Life has slowed down and I get to breathe. Time to enjoy the sunrise and enjoy the day at my own pacefinally, enough time…

…I have so much time…days are starting to run together…technology is great to chat and see each other on screen, but it doesn’t satisfy the way a physical hug can. I’ve exhausted Netflix, can’t stay awake to read a book, can’t stay asleep feeling too restless. I have a great project I’ve been meaning to start and with my job on hold indefinitely, this is the ideal time to start. I need to find discipline…focus…enthusiasm. I have too much time…

…Bills are starting to pile up…I really need that relief check…where is it? Will I find a job after this is all over? A good friend of mine is in the hospital but I can’t visit them. I hope they make it. A few friends of mine work on the frontlines of this pandemic. I hope they’ll be okay. Why is this happening? How do I make sure I am safe? My loved ones are safe? We need a cure…and there’s not enough time…

What is your relationship to time?
There’s so many ways to look at time right now. Everyone is having their own experience. There is no right or wrong way. Don’t measure your best efforts to someone else’s requirements. Finding ways to bring yourself just moments of calm, grounding, and presence can have an impact. How do you tend to the wellness of your mind, body and spirit?

They say Time heals all wounds…it will.
Trust time…while applying the balm of Hope and Faith. Trust you…you are resilient. Embrace change…your Soul will sing again. Trust your Heart…it’s time to get ready to stand in your power and honor your destiny. Reach out…yes, it’s a inner journey of self in these times. But there are those who can lend support, shine love to you, reflect back your value to you, as guide posts along the way. The best way to get through this is together.

It is a time to get to know yourself down to your core, deep in your Heart. Those conversations and observations we need to have with ourselves, as life changes forever from what we have known. Change has been coming for a long time…this world has been clamoring for it. It is time to determine on a personal and global level, how to make this world the best it can be.

The Light shines on all who ask. The Truth revels itself to all who are open. Guidance is given to all who receive. Love is available to all open to see.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. May you receive whatever blessings, miracles, support you need at this time, and for always, in all ways. I look forward to celebrating new beginnings with you! Thank you, humbly, for your continued support and companionship.

Deepest Blessings, Donna

Links and Resources

I can offer my reading services over the phone. My website gives a listing of my services, along with prices. I hope I can be of service to you!–payment-information.html

How to cope with stress:

Ascension 2020 Symptoms

Eckhart Tolle: for these times

Finding Hope

Meditation for Healing and Sleep (I use this myself)

It’s Time

We live in changing, interesting times. All is changing about we thought we know. It is a time that wise words: “I know nothing, so I then know everything” rings true. It’s time to be present, trusting in Life’s plan, and trusting your part in it.

Surrendering to the unknown doesn’t mean we are helpless. We are more powerful at this time when we focus on one day at a time, letting the bigger picture unfold, knowing there is a reason and blessings we just can’t see yet. The world is being shaken to its core, in a major attempt to awaken and be reborn. It is a time for global growth, transformation, reformation, accountability, collaboration and transparency.

It is a time to honor “Self”: self care, self love, self reflection
Keep Life simple, detach from whatever is unnecessary.
This quiet time is precious and a gift-we now have the time to do things, we say we don’t have the time to do. To also hear our thoughts, feel our feelings, with less distraction, noise and excuses. To also know the value of community connections. For those who are open to learning…as there are still those who are resistant. But no one is excused from the experience.

TIP: Practice deep breathing exercises, as it strengthens the lungs. Breathe in from the nose to the count of four. Hold breath for a count of four. Release breath slowly to the count of six. Do five times, 3 times a day. The third time, do right before sleep, to help calm and enhance sleep.

It is a time to honor “Humanity”: compassion, support, creative connecting
How can you be of service to others in need of this time? Offer to get and deliver (self-drop) groceries to a neighbor who is homebound? Call on friends and family more often to check in? Send cards or letters, gift food delivery, donate to homeless charity? Give to a food bank? Face time instead of just a phone call? Take a live online class? Social distancing means we need to be connected to each other more than ever. We have more ways now, then we did in the past. Honor the needs of those who do not feel safe visiting or prefer more privacy. Do your best–at your comfort level–to support others.

TIP: Meditate, as it calms the mind and relaxes the body. Gratitude practices/prayers also changes the energy of our mind (and keeps our Heart open.) Your mind is the body’s hub, where it gets its guidance from and responds to. Emotional/mental well-being is a part of health–add it to your supplements and healthy eating plan. Be in nature–even just the backyard–and get natural vitamin D. Nature is known to uplift and spurs feelings of peace and Hope.

Trust you are strong–WE are strong. People are amazing…we are capable of finding ways to ride out any storm and unite when it comes time to rebuild. Ask for miracles–BE a miracle–YOU ARE a miracle. Angels come when asked, your prayers are heard and answered. The blessings may not come the way you imagine, but they always come. Look for the blessings.

Prayers for you and yoursI will be sending distance healing to all. If you have a particular request, please let me know and I will include a personal request for them. Please keep in touch. Remember: love yourself, love one another. LOVE, of the highest vibration, is KEY. May you have LOVE in ABUNDANCE, beyond all expectations, beyond what you need.


Note: all in person events are postponed at this time. I hope to see everyone again, soon. Your presence, support and Light are very much appreciated. Please check my website from time to time, as I will update with new dates as soon as I can. In the meantime, I would be honored to do a phone reading. My website lists the readings I conduct, along with prices.

FREE Resources from Hays House for anxiety and fear during these times:

How Souls Choose before we come into being

What’s Your Archangel?

Archangel Michael Meditation for Clearing

Minimalism and Anxiety



There are a few layers I have been exploring these days, to allow positive change to occur:
What are my beliefs?
Do I believe I will be financially and spiritually successful? Do I believe I am lovable? Do I believe someone else’s happiness is more important than my own? Do I believe Life is good? Do I believe joy is attainable? What beliefs have I adopted from someone else?

What are my thoughts?
This one can be so subtle…as thoughts can become “things”. Notice the script that plays in your mind. An example of a script whenever my mother calls: she only calls when she wants something from me, she is critical of me, she is draining and negative, she doesn’t understand me, she doesn’t even notice how she hurts me… how I can I change the energy so I can remain neutral and objective during these phone calls? During a visit with my mother?

Can I give myself permission?
Can I allow myself to step away from a situation or person that is negative or draining? Can I allow myself to not feel obligated or guilted into a scenario that doesn’t serve me? Can I allow/take actions needed, to feel peace in my Life-without worrying about approval for others?

What do I want to experience/feel right now?
Be very clear and simple when answering this–and remember, this is about you and what you desire for you. Cut through the chatter of the mind and the chaos of the day…where do you want to focus manifesting in your Life right now? Start with one area-take small, consistent steps. For me, it’s trusting and loving myself.

I read an interesting article recently about a boy who died young-yet had the wisdom and compassion of a Master. One piece of advice he spoke, struck a cord with me, which I am hanging over my computer: Remember to play after every storm… So true!

We learn from contrast: what we do not want…so we can refine what we do want. It appears easier to constantly deal with what is in front of us, demanding our attention, than to be distracted by something that brings out our inner child to play.

Notice how much attention and energy you give to a person or problem-do you give more that you need to? What are you “getting” from this situation?

Allow yourself relief, in whatever moments you can. A book, a hobby, taking that walk in the park, catching up with friends, taking a vacation-granting yourself a mental health day.

Life is meant to be happy…what layer or layers do you need to examine, uncover, release to allow yourself JOY? Look through the eyes of your Soul…listen to your Heart…once you get down to the core layer, the message is simple…that’s how you know you’ve have arrived.

Wishing you clarity, love and awakening on your journey…remember, I’m learning with you too!

Upcoming Events

Hope to see you there! Thank you for your awesome support.

Every 2nd Saturday of the Month:
Sapphire Holistic Center: 20 minute readings for $20

Location : 316 B Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
Contact : 732-455-2719

Workshop: Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person
Friday, June 28th  11am-3pm   $70 per person/must rsvp

Are you an HSP?  (Highly Sensitive Person)
If you feel the world around you more intensely, from emotions, to sights and sounds, have a keen ability to pick up on others’ feelings, high levels of empathy and felt out of place growing up, you may be an HSP. You may also be an Indigo or Crystal Adult. You’re not crazy, and you’re exactly what the world needs right now to create change. This workshop will assist you to understand your level of HSP and how to use it to your benefit. It will also offer tools to help you thrive and give support in a group setting. So if you suspect you are an HSP, and you’re ready to thrive while loving who you are, come join us! 
Location : New Earth Community Connections, LLC. Contact to register/RSVP and get further information.
Address : 132 Main Street, Manasquan, NJ 08736
Contact : 732-612-8393

Patricia Parente Reiki Center
Soul Drawing Readings: 
Sunday August 25, 2019  10:30am-4pm

Location : Somerset, NJ
Contact : 908-331-1847

Useful Links about Happiness

Healing Wounds

May is the month of Mother…our mothers, our Earth Mother…the role of caregiver and how we nurture others as well as ourselves. It is a reminder to heal the wounds of our Earth and ourselves…most planted by childhood that continues to need tending to. This is a time we are guided towards positive possibilities from the places that appeared barren or overgrown. It’s time to review our choices and thoughts of where we sow our energy and what we reap from it.

I recently attended a group by Maura Bertotti at Sapphire Holistic Center, (where I also do monthly readings and special events). The focus this night was on emotions-and it’s connection to weight loss. Weight has been a lifetime challenge for me of up and down on the scale. I have explored multiple angles over time on this subject-and it comes back to a few consistent issues: self-love, self-value, suppressed guilt, trauma and anger. It also stems from my relationship with my mother, back to the age of 2 years old. With all this information, while do I still deal with weight issues and still see food as the enemy?

Maura led us into a deep meditation, as the Angels guided her. We talked to our bodies, noticed sensations in our bodies, noted our daily talk to our bodies. Yes…all makes sense, I thought…I’ll just enjoy relaxing and receiving, I go this…I know this… Then, she said something that created a shift: going back to childhood, to family beliefs and habits…to past traumas. I “know” all this about my past…but this was the first time I was truly “feeling” it. Emotions were overwhelming growing up and I didn’t have a grownup who I could turn to. So it’s been many years of learning how to feel safe and clearly express them. I needed to poke this deep wound again and “feel” this through.

I finally, fully acknowledged the intensity and enormous “weight” I had carried for my parents as a child. From the age of 9, I felt incredibly responsible for the unhappiness and dysfunction of my parents. I also saw more clearly how I took on my mother’s “stuff” as my responsibility, along with her food issues, and I have been processing for both of us, for years. My vow to myself was I will be different than my mother’s shadow self-yet here I have the same food issues that she has. It’s the one place I can connect with her on…as we have such disconnect in all other areas of our relationship. Experiencing “feeling” all that is associated with my weight, helped me to find a place of neutral ground with mom.

Going forward, I know it’s what we all have heard to heal ourselves: mindfulness, self love, self care, permission to do what it takes to be happy even if others disapprove (as long as there is no harm in the process, of course). To Love yourself first…completely…compassionately. To see Truth past illusion…to Trust the journey and know that the Universe always has your back.

But also, more acutely…know you don’t have to carry the weight of the world-or even someone else’s world…and your feelings are your internal GPS system! Don’t avoid your feelings, explore and embrace them. Your feelings cannot help but manifest one way or another-you can choose the outcome.

Thank you for reading to the end. Many blessings to you…hope to see you at one of my events, speak with you during a phone reading, or hear from you via email that Life is Good! May it be GREAT and BETTER!


I am now a regular on Mondays at New Earth Community Connections!
Walk-ins welcome for Oracle Card Readings!
Check for which Mondays will offer Soul Drawing Readings! (please rsvp)
Hours 11am-3pm
New Earth Community Connections, LLC
20 minute • 30 minute • 45 minute readings available

Location : 132 Main Street, Manasquan, NJ 08736
Contact : 732-612-8393

Sapphire Holistic Center
SOUL DRAWINGS: 2 slots left!
Saturday May 4th, 2019    11am-5pm

Must RSVP to reserve your slot: $80.00
Location : 
316 B Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
Contact : 732-455-2719

Sapphire Psychic Fairs:
Saturday May 11th at 1pm-5pm
Wednesday May 22nd at 6pm-9pm
20 minute readings for $20…stop by or call to rsvp your slot!

Check my website for additional info and events:


Connect with Angels

DR. Bruce Lipton: Energy Is Us


Why do we experience anxiety when good things happen to us?

Breaking free from toxic parent relationship:


In our everyday life, we are taught to master something
So, what does mastery mean on a spiritual path?
Does it mean becoming a yoga teacher? Studying in far away lands, participating in ancient rituals on retreats far from the hustle and bustle of living? Meditating, chanting, surrounded by crystals, praying to Angels?

I did some of those things in my early days of exploring and expanding my spiritual journey. I studied different religions, rituals, and spiritual truths. And became certified in several energy medicine modalities, while listening to podcasts and reading numerous books that called to me, as I opened myself to knowledge that appeared to illuminate and refined my craving for Truth.

I thought, in the beginning of my quest, that when I master my spiritual path–Life would become smooth and filled with less problems. Instead, it appears at times my challenges have grown–and in areas that sometimes surprise me.

Life has on many levels, become sweeter for me. More fulfilling, more peaceful, more meaningful, as I “follow and allow” Guidance to lead. Yet the more I “master”, the more growth I need to do. Each new chapter, with its plots and puzzles, emotions and triggers, seems to intensify. When I feel one layer has been successfully peeled back, another of the same seems to surface.

So, when do you know you have mastered your spiritual path?

A spiritual master moves through challenges more quickly and more completely…you are still human and have to experience Life. You still need to experience expansion.

  • It’s understanding YOU and how you connect and conduct yourself in the world.
  • It’s trusting your personal Guidance and Truth, while allowing others to make their own choices.
  • It’s accepting that each thought and choice you make, does effect everyone and everything around you–you are that powerful and need to be mindful and compassionate in the choices you make.
  • It’s understanding your personal connection to God/Universe/Higher Self, and taking actions to nurture and strengthen that relationship everyday.
  • It’s Loving yourself–your shadow self, as well as your Light.

We all have the ability to become a master of our Life.
Be inspired by others as they master their journey–but do not measure yourself by this. We all have our own, individual and unique Soul Contract. And we ALL have something great to contribute to this Life. There is a divine master residing in each and every one of us.

I honor you all, masters of Mind, Body, Spirit!
Thank you for your continued support of my service and for touching my Life.

Events/Interesting Links

The 7 Pillars For A Happier Life
Article by Marci Shimoff

  1. They take responsibility for their life.
  2. They don’t blame others for the unfortunate circumstances of their life. They show up like a victor, not a victim.
  3. Their thoughts support their happiness.
  4. Happy people don’t stay mired in negativity or pessimism. They have a knack for reframing challenges into opportunities—to do better, to learn, to be even more grateful when things are going well.
  5. They live with an open heart.
  6. Happy people have compassion for others and forgive those who hurt them, because they understand the value of living with an open heart—or being accessible and in tune with themselves and others.
  7. They know how to optimize their biochemistry.
  8. Happy people know what to do on a daily basis to feel good in their bodies. It doesn’t mean they have to have a perfect body, but they do what it takes to support a healthy body that produces lots of happiness brain chemicals.
  9. They are plugged into their soul.
  10. It’s important for deeply happy people to be plugged into a Higher Power, the Divine, God, Spirit, The Universe—whatever you prefer to call it. They have a relationship with spirit and know how to live soulfully.
  11. They live with a sense of purpose.
  12. Happy people have discovered what their greater purpose is in life, and they find meaning in being able to integrate their purpose into daily life. This isn’t necessarily related to work or career, either.
  13. They surround themselves with supportive people.
  14. Happy people know how to set appropriate boundaries with people who don’t support them or with those who are negative or toxic. They appreciate the value of cultivating relationships with people who will bring out the best in them.

Archangel Raphael morning meditation on forgiveness

April/May Events: Hope to see you there!

Sapphire Holistic Center: 20 minute readings for $20
PSYCHIC FAIR: Saturday April 13, 2019  1pm-5pm
Location : 316 B Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
Contact : 732-455-2719

Sapphire Holistic Center: 20 minute readings for $20
PSYCHIC NITE: Friday April 26, 2019  6pm-9pm
Location : 316 B Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
Contact : 732-455-2719

Sapphire Holistic Center
Saturday May 4th, 2019    11am-5pm

Must RSVP to reserve your slot: $80.00
Location : 
316 B Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
Contact : 732-455-2719

Sapphire Holistic Center: 20 minute readings for $20
PSYCHIC FAIR: Saturday May 11, 2019  1pm-5pm

Location : 316 B Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
Contact : 732-455-2719

Sapphire Holistic Center: 20 minute readings for $20
PSYCHIC NIGHT: Friday May 22, 2019  6pm-9pm

Location : 316 B Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
Contact : 732-455-2719


I hope you are as excited as I am, that we are finally welcoming Spring!

To mark the occasion, purge a closet or drawer to make room for the new…dust your bedroom to clear residue of old emotions…do what you can to lighten the energy in your surroundings so you may “spring forward” and start anew!

It’s also time to look deeply into self and see what is holding you back—taking you further from your Truth and Self Love. Take inventory: What thoughts, beliefs, actions/reactions no longer serve you? What steps can you take to stop harming yourself-mentally, emotionally…even physically? It’s time to honor what brings you closer to Joy..and release what takes you further from it.

I recently listened to an Abraham-Hicks podcast and an interesting observation was stated: it’s amazing how long humans choose to stay in a negative emotion/pattern. Why is being unhappy a more familiar feeling than happiness?

We learn from contrast what we want–by learning what we do not want. Relationships are a key tool to reveal our contrast to us. They teach us about us: who we are, who we are not…what is Love and what is not Love…what brings us Joy and what does not. And importantly…do we Love ourselves…or not? Our relationships reflect back to us what we think and feel about ourselves. We are accountable to Love ourselves-for when we do, we make healthy decisions on our behalf and understand how we create our part in our Life experience.

The timing is perfect–spring is here to ask us “what seeds of change do you desire to sow?” Love what reflects back to you…in the mirror…in your relationships…in your experiences. It starts with you from the inside. Be kind and patient with yourself…it takes time for seeds to take root. Spend time having deep reflection and conversations with your Soul…take long walks in nature and feel each breeze, count every star. Nurture yourself. As you change, your world must change too. Love starts with your relationship with YOU.

Thank you for reading…thank you for you!
Sending Love, Blessings and Gratitude for each of you on this journey.
I believe in YOU!
(And I’m right there with you…learning, too.)

Hope I see you at one of my events…or maybe a phone reading if you feel drawn to do : ) Links and announcements below.
Happy Co-Creating and Joyful Spring!


When Should You Space Cleanse?

The following situations are appropriate times to space cleanse:

  • After you remove clutter
  • After an argument
  • When you move into a new space
  • When a roommate or companion moves out
  • After a divorce or break-up
  • After an illness or death
  • When you buy an antique or second-hand item
  • Anytime you desire fresh energy for a new project or beginning.
  • Before implementing feng shui

How to Cleanse a Space:

  • Here is a simple space-cleansing technique to perform on your home, office, or even on a specific object:
  • Create a strong intention in your mind to clear the space in order to bring in vibrant, healthy energy.
  • Burn sandalwood incense or dried sage to disintegrate the negative energy in each room.  (Buy incense from India, Japan or China as the energy is stronger.)  Wave it counterclockwise in each corner, closet, and cabinet. You may also let one stick burn in each room. Say, “Thank you for the complete disintegration of all negative energies, thoughts, and emotions from this room now.”
  • After cleansing, always open East windows and doors to allow fresh energy of the sun to enter.
  • Light a candle to dedicate energy to your endeavors. Say your wish out loud.  For example, “I am so grateful for all the love, harmony, and healthy energy pouring into my home right now.”
  • Imagine brilliant white light filling the whole space. Visualize your home or office as a shining star emanating light, positive energy and blessing to everyone who enters.

How to meditate in Nature:

Give Yourself 10-20 minutes a day to Self Love (choose one or more):

March and April Events

Sapphire Holistic Center: 20 minute readings
PSYCHIC NITE: Wednesday March 20, 2018  6pm-9pm

Location : 316 B Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
Contact : 732-455-2719

Patricia Parente Reiki Center
HSP Workshop 3: Highly Sensitive Person in Relationships 
Saturday March 23, 2019   1pm-5pm

$65 per person |  RSVP required
If you desire a deep understanding of yourself in love and relationships, whether with a romantic partner or family member, this workshop is just for you. Being an HSP, or empath, can have some unique challenges in relationships. These same traits can also foster true connection and safe expression, within the right relationship for you. With a better understanding of how you are wired to love and what you need to blossom, your current or future relationship can become healthy and thrive. It does take two for a relationship-and that relationship starts with YOU.
Location : Somerset, NJ
Contact : 908-331-1847

New Earth Community Connections, LLC
Sunday, March 31, 2019    11am-5pm

Must RSVP to reserve your slot: $100.00
Location : 
132 Main Street, Manasquan, NJ 08736
Contact : 732-612-8393

APRIL  2019
Friends of Bradley Beach Library Fundraiser: 20 minute readings for $20
Wine tasting for additional fee
Thursday April 4th, 2019  6pm-10pm

Location : Bradley Beach Firehouse banquet hall 815 Main St, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
Contact Library : 732-776-2995 

Sapphire Holistic Center: 20 minute readings for $20
PSYCHIC FAIR: Saturday April 13, 2019  1pm-5pm

Location : 316 B Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
Contact : 732-455-2719

New Earth Community Connections, LLC
Sunday, April 14, 2019    11am-5pm

Must RSVP to reserve your slot: $100.00
Location : 
132 Main Street, Manasquan, NJ 08736
Contact : 732-612-8393

New Earth Community Connections, LLC
Sunday, April 28, 2019    11am-5pm

Must RSVP to reserve your slot: $100.00
Location : 
132 Main Street, Manasquan, NJ 08736
Contact : 732-612-8393


September always makes me reflect on another page turning in the story of my Life, as we edge closer to the end of the year. For this year, it’s been pages that show tears and frustration of finding direction to build my new foundation, to move forward in my Life. One reflection is particularly acute. It has been about Value: my worth, my boundaries, my Truth. To be armed with personal guidance extracted from the challenges and experiences from my past, so that should I encounter this lesson in another form, moving forward I will handle it differently for a higher, positive outcome. To also not let the past be a ball and chain, keeping me from my future.

So, thoughts to build my new foundation:
• I value myself. I am a valuable contributor to the world, no matter what level of education, monetary wealth or job title I hold. To know my value, I must shine brightly and not hide under a rock.

• I value my time. I shall not sacrifice it to others due to guilt, pressure or attachment.

• I value my thoughts. I will not dwell or be influenced by negative thoughts. I will recognize what these thoughts bring up to be healed and heed the insight negative thoughts alert me to, but they will not hinder or have power over me.

• I value my feelings. I allow myself to express my feelings, as well as embrace all the feelings Life offers to me. I will not allow anyone to use my feelings to manipulate or belittle me.

• I value my goals. They empower my dreams and guide me on my journey, through the lens of my Heart.

• I value those I love. I will commit to balancing my life between work and play.

We create our reality. What do you choose to be your foundation?
What do you desire to build as your structure (self)?
What do you choose to let into your Life — what do you choose to filter out?
What does Love look like to you — what do you want Love to look like?
It all begins with you.

When we know truly who we are, our Light and all our dark places, what our Soul desires for us, and how we are of service to ourselves in our Life, then we are aware of our foundation. A solid foundation starts with accessing what you value and being open to the steps we need to make, to build it with strong awareness, trust and commitment.


Sending you each Light, that you may know your true value, your true self, your true path. You are a priceless treasure.


Tomorrow on Labor Day, Monday September 4th:
$1 a Minute Readings at Unity Healing House/Atlantic Reiki Center in Long Branch!
12 noon – 4pm   Stop by to get a reading, have some tea, say hello!

September 9th-Psychic Fair at Sapphire Holistic Center in Bradley Beach
There will be a few of us readers along with a Adrienne selling her beautiful crystals and crystal jewelry. 1pm-5pm

September 30th-Psychic Fair at at Unity Healing House/Atlantic Reiki Center in Long Branch
A few of us readers and vendors, selling crystals, jewelry and aroma therapy. Always tea, snacks and conversation as well! 1pm-5pm

October 7th: Workshop “Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person”
Hosted by Pat Parente. $65 per person, 1-5pm   Must register.
If you feel the world around you more intensely, from emotions, to sights and sounds, have a keen ability to pick up on others’ feelings, high levels of empathy and felt out of place growing up, you may be an HSP. You may also be an Indigo or Crystal Adult. You’re not crazy, and you’re exactly what the world needs right now to create change. This workshop will assist you to understand your level of HSP and how to use it to your benefit. It will also offer tools to help you thrive and give support in a group setting. So if you suspect you are an HSP, and you’re ready to thrive while loving who you are, come join us!
Contact Pat

Eclipse Message

Happy Friday, everyone.

This is sort of a special edition, with the historic total solar eclipse we are a part of on Monday. Last night I attended a spiritual support group hosted  Ray Sette. I would like to share some of the info he provided so that we can harness the manifestation energy of the eclipse, as well as the messages coming through me to share with you.

Monday’s celestial event is a powerful opening for manifestation. Pay careful attention to thoughts, desires and activities that support—or detract—from your desires. What you put into motion on this day will be energetically unfolding for the next three months. We are being required to be clear on what we wish to manifest and experience in our lives. We are also being called to look at what it is we need to release on a deep level, to allow for transformation to take root.

People tend to worry “I don’t want to make a mistake or get this wrong.” The Universe responds to emotions and feelings. So you don’t need to get so specific as to “a romantic partner that has brown eyes, lives 20 minutes from me and loves dogs” to send a request/vibration for Love. Instead, what do you want to experience? To feel in your next relationship? “I request to experience genuine Love with a lifetime partner, who is a perfect fit, in perfect positive flow with my true highest self and creates abundant joy in my Life.” Or need “a new job with less hours, more pay, a better manager”…you can try “an exciting new career where I experience respect, balance, abundant prosperity, support and security, this or better!” It’s great to have details, goals and create roadmaps, as they help us formulate what we truly want to create. We just need to not get caught up or stuck on those details, and let the Universe lead the way. Spirit many times has an even better suggestion for our creation than we can imagine!

The concept is to set intention, asking clearly for what you want. To pay attention to negative self talk, watch our interactions with negative people and situations, and stay as positive as possible on August 21st, so we can set in motion to manifest more positive and better experiences.

It’s interesting how people who aren’t interested in metaphysics or astrology, are still drawn to the magnificence of experiencing a total eclipse. This event effects us all, whether we are conscious of the shift or not. And note the symbolism of the total eclipse. When we meditate, many of us see or hear messages, colors, or images. We may experience flying, floating or alternate dimensions. But if we seek to go to the realm of the Abyss: nothingness, we can experience our most profound transformations. To turn off the chatter of the mind, not seek validation from visions and words, and sit in complete stillness and darkness, we have found our true essence and connection with Source (all that is).

And from darkness, we go to the Light, as the sun starts to peek thru from behind the Moon (our emotions), illuminating our world again.

Use the energy of this magical day wisely to manifest your desired change. Watch your intentions (do not come from fear, desperation or hate, as examples). Feel it…what do you wish to create for yourself?

Remember also, that you are a master creator with the Universe. So if you create something you don’t want, you can change that creation any time! Change is the constant flow of Life, and also a gift for us to partake of.

One more request…let’s remember to ask to create healing and Love for Mother Earth, during the eclipse energy. She and all of her living beings need this at this time. Know that chaos is needed for change…but we can help bring it in with more flow and in gentler form.

Eclipse time NJ:
Start approx: 1:20pm     Peak approx: 2:40pm     Concludes approx: 4pm
Do not look directly at the eclipse. Use NASA certified protective glasses.

Thank you…many blessings!

About Money…

Last weekend I was asked to do readings at a music and arts festival in the Pine Barrens. I got to be a part of Steffi Main’s booth Green Goddess and her assistant Aileen. (Two amazing ladies!)

The festival was created to honor a local man who was known as Stick Man, due to his unique, energetic healing wands and walking sticks he made from wood found in the Pine Barrens. He was a great supporter of local musicians, artists, and the community. He also was not attached to “3D thinking and living”, being known as a bit of a mystic and had insights that we need to embrace now, as we come into our New Earth way of being. I didn’t have the honor of meeting this unique Soul when he was here among the living, but everyone who spoke of him had incredible, timeless Love and respect for him.

The day of the festival started out rainy and overcast. And the energy of the day felt odd, I couldn’t place it. Well, I was going to the Pine Barrens…and anyone who is sensitive to energy and has traveled there, knows those woods are alive! You can “feel” you are being observed and that certain sections of this large area just feel off limits by the energy being emitted. I arrived and set up my table with my oracle cards and signage, wondering when the weather would give way to sunshine, as promised by the weather channel.

Things seemed off to a slow start. People trickled in and vendors murmured they hadn’t experienced such a slow amount of business at a festival in a long time. I thought, well, maybe it’s time to raise the vibration here and send some abundance symbols to help out, as I also wanted to make some profit. A strong male energy came in and I heard, “Knock it off, it’s not about the money. I Got This”, in no uncertain terms! I told Steffi, who had know Stick Man, and her eyes got wide. “That’s exactly what he would have said. He was about community, not profit.”

The message and blessing didn’t stop there. I noticed a woman who had amazing energy, hanging out near the stage with the band who was playing (Catfish Lucy-very cool Turns out this was Aileen’s friend, who was a medium. So Aileen introduces me to her friend (I wish I could remember her name!) and relayed the message I received. SHE then received a message from Stick Man for ME:

“Yes, this festival is about building community, the money comes when and how it should-don’t focus on profit. Money, at this time, is going through a transformation and it needs to come back into our reality in a different form. Strive to live without attachment to money, the “way” that we are attached to money. Live more from your intuition and Trust the Universe. For you, the money will come–not yet, but soon. You are still learning who you are…and that’s what it’s all about.” (Of course, this isn’t verbatim, but it’s the essence of the message I received. Especially that part about the money will come when I learn who I am…and the hope that it will be soon.)

I felt pretty humble and knew this was an incredible message for me. It touch me deeply and opened my eyes so I can see clearly… through the lens of my Heart. (I am so grateful this lady took the time to relay this message, and grateful to Stick Man for conveying it.)

This message was shown to me throughout the day: I bought honey from Steffi and she gave me a discount ($10, instead of $14)…I bought fries and a lemonade but was short one dollar, which the generous vendor waived ($10, instead of $11)… I had one reading near the end of the festival and made ($20). So, I made back what I spent in money, but priceless in experience. Great music, met some awesome people, the weather improved immensely, and I was given food for thought about my future and felt at peace.

Spirit will find you…even me…when you are ready to hear, ready to learn. Even at a festival, in the woods, on a perfect 80 degree August afternoon. Everything starts with you and where you are at…and you are expanding and growing, whether you see it or not. If you have (patiently) read to the end of this blog, believe me, you are being shown your shadow, your challenges, but especially–your Light. Shine on and shine bright.

“The bigger the fear…the bigger the purpose you have.”
Fear cannot root itself in TRUTH.

Wishing you peace, joy, courage and LOVE during this incredible time of transition.

Blessings Always, Donna


Here are some dates of in person readings for August:

Sapphire Holisitic Center: 20 minute readings
PSYCHIC FAIR: Saturday August 12th 1pm-5pm

Location : 316 B Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
Contact : 732-455-2719

Unity Healing House: Soul Drawing Readings
Saturday, August 26th  12N-5pm

Location : 298 Branchport Ave, Long Branch, NJ 07740
Contact : (732) 571-5011 to reserve your spot!

Note that I can do readings over the phone, as well. See my website for information and prices.–readings.html

The Glad Game

Not many people know I watch the old movies in black and white on cable tv. I stumbled upon the channel featuring these moving pictures of a time portraying a time that seemed much more glamorous, and sometimes more wholesome and innocent.

One movie I watched was Pollyanna. It’s about a very young girl whose parents were missionaries, so her upbringing was simple, about being “good” and doing what’s “right”. Pollyanna becomes an orphan and goes to live with a wealthy beautiful aunt who never married or had children. Though she is given a cramped room in the attic, even though her aunt has so many other empty rooms on the main floor, and Pollyanna is made to work with the servants so as not be a nuisance, she is grateful and positive in spite of all the challenges.

Matter of fact, one Sunday after church, the servant staff of her aunt’s house were preparing the large weekly Sunday dinner for the gathering of  guests (who came mostly because they wanted financial favors from the aunt). The staff was commenting with anger and disgust about how this rich aunt even took over the Sunday services because of her financial influence and told the preacher what to say and how to say it–a lot of hail and brimstone. Pollyanna kept interjecting with positive quips and advice her papa used to give her in such matters. This made some of the staff members even more ticked off–“ok, miss goody two shoes, why are you always so positive all the time? Don’t you see what this situation is about?”

Pollyanna then told everyone to play the Glad Game. Her papa used to tell her, that no matter what happens, you can always find something positive in every situation. “Ok, hot shot–what silver lining do you see in this?” Pollyanna thought hard for a few moments, then said, “You have six more days before it’s Sunday again.” Everyone laughed and the mood turned a little brighter. It may have seemed like a stretch to find something good, but there it was…something to be glad about.

I am learning to play this game when…I have to visit a negative family member…when the bills come…when my health is low…when I feel lost on making decisions…when I wish I had a date for an event…when I can hear my loud neighbors late at night and I really need to sleep. It’s a place to start…to begin to change my experience and shift my energy from sad or mad…to Glad. One…step…closer…each…time.

As stated so beautifully in Book 4 Awaken the Species by Neale Donald Walsch:
Express Gratitude…This is the most powerful tool you could be given. Gratitude can be a selected energy, and not merely an automated response. When one actively chooses to be grateful for everything presenting itself in one’s Life (and I do mean everything), it sets up an energetic signature that washes over and impacts the energy of whatever is now arising. This can transmogrify (defined as: “To transform, especially in a surprising or magical manner”) the presentation itself — to say nothing of one’s entire Life.

In a time where so much uncertainty, chaos, heartache and confusion is prevalent, it’s a tall order to embrace ALL of this and be GRATEFUL for it. If we choose to do it in simple steps, a little at a time and play the Glad Game, we can learn to see more parts to the puzzle, another message to the drama, a different perspective and call to action. We learn to find our own focus instead of the view of the situation the other group dynamics are showing us. We can more clearly choose how we wish to see and feel. We can also learn to ask Why…for when we ask the Universe “Why”, it must be answered.

May I again express gratitude to each of you for being with me on this journey. As we reflect on the message of Independence, Freedom and look within our own hearts and beyond, to the call for justice and compassion around the world, let’s begin with Gratitude for all we have and all we are experiencing. It releases the chains we place upon ourselves and invites in Hope. Let us ask simple and direct to the heavens “Why” and have Faith we will receive an answer that we cannot miss, we cannot ignore. And to begin practicing Love, by beginning with ourselves. For when you Love yourself, it becomes easier to Love it all.

Namaste, Donna


For July I will be doing in person readings at the following dates and locations:
Saturday July 8th-Sapphire Holistic Center, Bradley Beach NJ 12:30pm-5pm Walk ins welcome, reservations suggested

Saturday June 15th-Aquarian Sun, Lincoln Park, NJ 10am-2pm
Soul Drawings:Must reserve your spot
Saturday July 22nd-Unity Healing House Grand Opening!
12n-5pm Long Branch, NJ (Readers, vendors, door prizes-beautiful new center!)
Walk ins welcome! Come browse and stay awhile

Saturday, June 29th-Sapphire Holistic Center, Bradley Beach NJ Soul Drawings 10:30pm-5pm
Must reserve your spot